Acne Scar Removal

At Aesthetic Beauty, we provide patients with unique and effective solutions for many cosmetic concerns. Using a non-surgical approach to acne scar removal, our board-certified injector, Trista Shakeridge, works to deliver therapeutic outcomes for each of her patients.

Image of a smiling woman having an eye closed with a big leaf
With non-surgical skin acne scar removal, patients can see lasting improvements to skin texture affected by acne scarring. We invite interested patients to contact our office by phone or use our online form to book a visit today.
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What Is Acne Scar Removal?

Acne scar removal at Aesthetic Beauty is one of our most empowering cosmetic procedures, aiming to reduce the appearance of acne scars that have formed on the face or other body areas. While many people experience acne, those who have acne scarring can feel the worst of its effects. These scars can range from mild to severe and can affect an individual’s self-esteem and overall sense of well-being. Our treatments for acne scarring aim to reverse these effects through safe, non-invasive solutions.

Non-Surgical Skin Acne Scar Removal Treatment Options

At Aesthetic Beauty, we offer two key methods of non-surgical skin acne scar removal treatments. Each solution can address different types and severities of acne scars, with many patients using a combination of them both to see optimal results.


Microneedling procedure uses the body’s natural regenerative ability to restore damaged tissues. It involves creating tiny punctures at the target area using an extremely thin needle. While this might sound painful, patients report a comfortable experience due to the numbing cream we apply before the session. These punctures are small enough to avoid any real damage while still triggering the body’s response to a wound. This involves an increase in collagen and elastin production while also replenishing the cells in the affected area.


For scars that are pitted (lower than the skin’s surface), fillers can prove a quick and convenient solution. Dermal fillers are injected into the scarred area to even out the skin and restore any pitted areas. Some fillers can also encourage collagen production

Is a Non-Surgical Acne Scarring Treatment Right for Me?

Is a Non-Surgical Acne Scarring Treatment Right for Me? Acne scarring can have a lifelong, drastic impact on those affected by these scars. However, our non-surgical solutions allow people to reclaim their skin and experience a revitalized appearance. Our treatment modalities are effective for a range of types of scars, even beyond acne scarring. However, it is important to first meet with a specialist for a consultation to explore your options. Our cosmetic specialist, Trista Shakeridge, meets with each patient one-on-one before moving forward with a treatment plan. This allows her to ensure she fully understands each patient’s individual situation and then provide a tailored treatment approach.

Is There a Recovery Period?

All our treatment options are gentler than surgical methods, resulting in little to no time spent recovering. For microneedling, patients may have a few days of red, tender, or sensitive skin after treatment. But this rapidly fades and rarely interferes with daily routines. Still, some patients prefer to take a day off from work to let any visible side effects fade. Additionally, some mild itching or flaking is normal a few days after the treatment as the body begins the healing process and regenerates the treated tissues.

For fillers, there is virtually no recovery period to speak of. While some patients may have minor swelling or bruising for about a day, this will not interfere with your day. Still, for both treatments, we recommend avoiding anything that can irritate the treatment sites for a couple of days. This generally includes excess sun exposure or abrasive or harsher creams or ointments.

Non-Surgical Acne Scar Removal Results

Microneedling produces consistent, impressive results once patients complete their treatment regimen. For most patients, this can involve about 2-5 treatment sessions spaced a couple of weeks apart. Though the results appear more gradually, they are exceptionally long-lasting. Once the scar tissue has been reduced, it should remain that way for years to come. Dermal fillers provide instant results, with patients able to see improvements the moment their treatment is complete. However, their duration is more limited, and the effects last about six months to over a year, depending on the type of filler used. Additionally, factors such as how active a patient is can impact the longevity of their results. Both treatment options produce results that allow patients to enjoy every glimpse they catch of themselves in the mirror.
Image of Trista Shakeridge , an aesthetic nurse

Meet Trista Shakeridge

Board Certified Injector Aesthetic Nurse
Over 20 years ago, Trista Shakeridge began working with the top plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles as a nurse injector. After establishing herself in the OR as a plastic surgery RN, she transitioned naturally into cosmetic injections. She has completed numerous training sessions with Allergan, Galderma, and Merz. Additionally Trista has picked pearls of wisdom from the talented surgeons she has worked alongside, all contributing to her practice today.

Real Patient Before & Afters

Lip fillers before and after patient
Lip fillers before and after patient

Book Your Consultation

If you are ready to experience tailored non-surgical skin tightening, you can book your consultation visit today. Use our online form or call our office to set up a one-on-one meeting with our board-certified injector, Trista Shakeridge, and explore your options for seeing tighter, more youthful skin. We look forward to working with you to achieve your best in aesthetic beauty.