Non-Surgical Hair Growth

At Aesthetic Beauty, we strive to provide safe and reliable care across a range of cosmetic concerns. Our board-certified injector, Trista Shakeridge, uses non-surgical techniques to create aesthetic outcomes that boost confidence and a sense of well-being.

Image of a model girl showing her hair and scalp
We invite interested patients to contact our office by phone or use our online form to book a visit today and learn more about our treatments for hair loss, including non-surgical hair growth.
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What Is Non-Surgical Hair Growth?

Hair loss is a common concern for men and women alike across a broad range of ages. The causes of it can vary, including stress, genetics, illness, and more. The approach to solving hair loss depends on your individual situation, but we provide a unique and non-surgical approach to restoring the hair by rejuvenating the hair follicles themselves. That is, we treat hair loss at the very root of the issue

Non-Surgical Hair Loss Treatment Options

Exosomes Stem Cell Treatment:

Exosomes occur naturally in the body and are produced by stem cells. Playing an important role in cell communication, exosomes are key for improving the function of cells in the treatment area. These microscopic vesicles are injected into the body and have demonstrated clinical success in improving hair growth. This works by the exosomes improving the function of the cells that make up the hair follicles, allowing for them to regrow hair for patients in the earlier stages of hair loss.

Each vial of exosomes we use has billions of exosomes, ensuring a sufficient supply of the vesicles to promote hair regrowth. Additionally, our exosomes are sourced from quality donors according to the standards set forth by the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) and the AATB (American Associate of Tissue Banks). Many patients also can use exosome therapy for treating other cosmetic concerns.

Is a Non-Surgical Hair Growth for Me?

Our hair regrowth treatment is best for patients who are experiencing mild to moderate hair loss or thinning. This period is ideal for reactivating and restoring the function of the weakening hair follicles. However, patients with more severe hair loss may require a different solution. Still, we work closely with our patients to explore treatment options that will bring them the outcomes they want. It all starts with your personal consultation with our specialist. During this one-on-one meeting, we will work with you to build a treatment plan or explore alternative options to help you reach your goals. Even if exosome hair regrowth is not your ideal solution, we will help you find the right path to seeing the results you want.

Is There a Recovery Period?

This gentle treatment involves the injection of exosomes to the treatment sites. However, this process is gentle and does not create any lasting injuries or scarring. Instead, patients can return to their daily routine as soon as their treatment session is complete. While very mild bruising or swelling may occur, these are within normal side effects and should fade within a couple of days. Your injector will also provide you with a few aftercare instructions to ensure the treatment area does not become irritated. These can vary, depending on your situation, but typically involve avoiding things like excess sun exposure or abrasive products.

Non-Surgical Hair Loss Treatment Results

Most patients will begin to see noticeable hair growth within about 2 to 3 months. Hair regrowth then tends to continue to improve over the next few months, reaching a peak at about half a year. Following this, new hair growth can continue to occur for another six months (for a total of about 12 months). While this is a gradual process, patients tend to report it being worth the wait, enjoying the natural-looking results that come from a non-surgical approach. Depending on your situation, you may benefit from follow-up treatments or a multi-treatment regimen. We typically space treatments apart by about 3 to 6 months to allow for the previous treatment’s effects to become apparent.
Image of Trista Shakeridge , an aesthetic nurse

Meet Trista Shakeridge

Board Certified Injector Aesthetic Nurse
Over 20 years ago, Trista Shakeridge began working with the top plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles as a nurse injector. After establishing herself in the OR as a plastic surgery RN, she transitioned naturally into cosmetic injections. She has completed numerous training sessions with Allergan, Galderma, and Merz. Additionally Trista has picked pearls of wisdom from the talented surgeons she has worked alongside, all contributing to her practice today.

Real Patient Before & Afters

Lip fillers before and after patient
Lip fillers before and after patient

Book Your Consultation

If you are ready to experience a tailored treatment for lip enhancement, you can book your consultation visit today. Use our online form or call our office to set up a one-on-one meeting with our board-certified injector, Trista Shakeridge, and explore your options for lip fillers in Boise.