Skin Hydration and Rejuvenation in Boise

At Aesthetic Beauty, we provide patients with unique and effective solutions to see clear, healthy, and hydrated skin. Using a non-surgical approach, our board-certified injector, Trista Shakeridge, works to deliver therapeutic skin booster treatments that improve your skin from within.
Image of a smiling woman having an eye closed with a big leaf
With non-surgical skin booster options for the face, neck, and chest, patients can see lasting improvements in how your skin looks and feels. We invite interested patients to contact our office by phone or use our online form to book a visit today.
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What Are Skin Booster Treatments?

Skin boosters are our unique set of injectables that focus on rehydrating and rejuvenating the skin from within. Skin that is dehydrated will start to look older sooner, as dry skin will lose its elasticity, firmness, and overall appearance. Skin boosters provide rejuvenation through hyaluronic acid injections that boost multiple features of the skin at once. Additionally, these injections can provide benefits such as restoring lost volume, enhancing facial contours, and more. Each treatment plan is tailored to your individual goals, with every element built around you at the center of it.
Key areas that patients can target with skin booster treatments include the following:
  • Face
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Hands
Our injector specialist is experienced in a full suite of injectables, allowing patients to build a uniquely customized plan for their needs. Patients can explore options that include factors such as injectable ingredients, treatment areas, duration of results, and injectable brands.

Non-Surgical Skin Rejuvenation Treatment Overview

A skin booster treatment is one of our most convenient options. It consists of a series of injections at the targeted areas, delivering hyaluronic acid to areas that have begun to lose their elasticity and firm texture. We perform all our treatments in our office, allowing for skin rejuvenation in a comfortable, professional atmosphere. Sessions can be anywhere from about 15 minutes to under an hour, depending on the elements of your skin rejuvenation plan.

Is a Skin Hydration Treatment Right for Me?

Everyone can benefit from having hydrated skin, as this is a key factor in preserving it as we age. If you have noticed cosmetic concerns about the feel or appearance of your skin, then a skin hydration treatment might be right for you. Signs that you may be a candidate for skin booster therapy include having any of the following:
  • Dry or rough skin
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Loose or drooping skin
  • Skin that has lost its glow
  • Loss of skin texture (firmness)
Each skin booster treatment is designed to match your unique goals, and the ingredients used can vary. The first step toward seeing hydrated skin is to set up your consultation visit with our injector specialist, Trista Shakeridge. This one-on-one meeting will allow you to go over your goals and work with the specialist to build a tailored skin rejuvenation plan.

Is There a Recovery Period?

Skin booster injections are minimally invasive and typically cause no damage to the injection sites. While little needle marks and minor bruising can occur, these resolve within a couple of days for most patients. Every injection is performed with very fine needles, and the hyaluronic acid is placed at shallow levels. So, only the upper layers of the skin are affected by any side effects, keeping the deeper tissues safe. Most patients can return to their daily routine immediately following their skin booster therapy. However, your specialist will recommend a few post-session instructions to follow, such as avoiding excess sun or skin irritants for a few days.

Non-Surgical Skin Hydration Treatment Results

Patients should see some initial results right away after their session. However, the final results will become apparent in the weeks following your treatment. As the skin booster ingredients continue to retain moisture and encourage collagen production, patients can expect to see day-to-day improvements to their skin. The results can last for months at a time, though factors like sun exposure or lifestyle habits can affect result duration. If the skin begins to lose its hydration again eventually, patients can easily come in for quick touchup treatments to maintain their results.
Image of Trista Shakeridge , an aesthetic nurse

Meet Trista Shakeridge

Board Certified Injector Aesthetic Nurse
Over 20 years ago, Trista Shakeridge began working with the top plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles as a nurse injector. After establishing herself in the OR as a plastic surgery RN, she transitioned naturally into cosmetic injections. She has completed numerous training sessions with Allergan, Galderma, and Merz. Additionally Trista has picked pearls of wisdom from the talented surgeons she has worked alongside, all contributing to her practice today.

Real Patient Before & Afters

Lip fillers before and after patient
Lip fillers before and after patient

Book Your Consultation

If you are ready to experience tailored non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatment, you can book your consultation visit today. Use our online form or call our office to set up a one-on-one meeting with our board-certified injector, Trista Shakeridge, and explore your options for skin hydration that leaves you looking radiant. We look forward to working with you to achieve your best in aesthetic beauty and lifelong confidence.