Non-Surgical Butt Lift

At Aesthetic Beauty, we strive to provide safer treatments for patients who want to pursue their aesthetic ideals. Our board-certified injector, Trista Shakeridge, uses non-surgical techniques to create artistic and balanced aesthetic enhancements to various parts of the body.
Image of a model girl showing complete left side of the leg by placing heart symbol with both hands
One of the most popular treatment options we offer is the non-surgical butt lift. We invite interested patients to contact our office by phone or use our online form to book a visit today.
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What Is a Non-Surgical Butt Lift?

The goal of any butt lift is to provide the patient with a notable enhancement to the volume, shape, and overall appearance of the buttocks. However, a non-surgical approach does this in a safer, yet still effective, manner compared to more invasive methods. As a board-certified injector, our specialist, Trista Shakeridge, delivers transformative results with personalized treatment solutions. A single treatment session typically lasts about 30 minutes, ensuring a convenient and quick experience.

Non-Surgical Butt Enhancement Treatment Options

A non-surgical butt lift, also called a liquid butt lift, uses specialized dermal fillers to address one or more aesthetic concerns for the buttocks. Your treatment plan can include injections that enhance one or more aspects of the buttocks, including:
  • Shape (roundness)
  • Volume (fullness)
  • Projection and position
  • Symmetry
  • Firmness
Our butt enhancement treatments typically use a unique dermal filler solution called Sculptra. This filler’s ingredients include poly-L-lactic acid, a key component in many medical solutions for decades. This dermal filler not only fills out the injection areas, but the ingredients stimulate collagen production. Providing additional gradual improvements in the months afterward.

Is a Non-Surgical Butt Lift Right for Me?

A non-surgical butt lift can prove ideal for patients of almost any age. This is due to how it has both preventative and restorative benefits regarding cosmetic concerns. Additionally, it is optimal for patients who want to boost the shape and volume of the buttocks but would not have enough fat for a traditional Brazilian butt lift. If you want to see cosmetic improvements to your buttocks and bring out the best in your natural figure, then a non-surgical butt lift could be right for you.

The best way to learn if this treatment is right for you is to book a consultation with Trista Shakeridge. Your one-on-one meeting with her is the ideal time to fully go over your goals while exploring potential treatment options. As this is a non-surgical treatment, it is available to a wider range of candidates than traditional surgery.

Is There a Recovery Period?

Surgical butt lift procedures can require weeks of time away from work and daily routines. However, a non-surgical butt enhancement has virtually no recovery period. While patients may experience mild swelling or bruising, it will not interfere with your daily routine. We may recommend avoiding prolonged periods of sitting following your injections, but there should be no inconveniences beyond that. It may be advisable to avoid strenuous activities until the swelling goes down to avoid irritating or further bruising the area. If you have any questions following your treatment, we are always here to provide additional support and information.

Non-Surgical Butt Lift Results

Patients will notice immediate improvements following their butt enhancement session. Fillers can take immediate effect by improving volume and shape from the moment they are injected. However, there are some gradual changes that will be notable in the days and weeks following treatment. First, patients will see their final shape taking form once the minor swelling fades within a few days. Additionally, patients may see some further improvements as the fillers boost local collagen production.

Result duration can vary, though most patients can expect an average of 6 to 12 months for their butt enhancements. Factors such as lifestyle, health, and activity levels can all affect how long the fillers remain at their best. If you notice your results beginning to fade after some time, coming in for a touchup treatment is quick and easy. At touchup appointments, patients can restore previous results or adapt their treatment to try out different aesthetics.

Image of Trista Shakeridge , an aesthetic nurse

Meet Trista Shakeridge

Board Certified Injector Aesthetic Nurse
Over 20 years ago, Trista Shakeridge began working with the top plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles as a nurse injector. After establishing herself in the OR as a plastic surgery RN, she transitioned naturally into cosmetic injections. She has completed numerous training sessions with Allergan, Galderma, and Merz. Additionally Trista has picked pearls of wisdom from the talented surgeons she has worked alongside, all contributing to her practice today.

Real Patient Before & Afters

Lip fillers before and after patient
Lip fillers before and after patient

Book Your Consultation

If you are ready to experience personalized non-surgical butt enhancement, you can book your consultation visit today. Use our online form or call our office to set up a one-on-one meeting with our board-certified injector, Trista Shakeridge, and explore your options for a non-surgical butt lift through our safer, effective, minimally invasive treatment methods. We look forward to working with you to achieve your best in aesthetic beauty.