Hyperpigmentation Treatment

At Aesthetic Beauty, we provide patients with unique and effective solutions to see the clearest skin of their life. Using a non-surgical approach, our board-certified injector, Trista Shakeridge, works to deliver therapeutic, aesthetic treatments that improve the look and feel of the skin. With non-surgical skin treatments for hyperpigmentation and enlarged pores, patients can see lasting improvements in skin tone and texture. 

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We invite interested patients to contact our office by phone or use our online form to book a visit today. We invite interested patients to contact our office by phone or use our online form to book a visit today.

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What Is Hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation describes a range of conditions that occur when patches of the skin become darker than your usual skin tone. These can include melasma, sun spots, age spots, and more. Uneven pigmentation can arise due to various causes, such as sun exposure, aging, genetics, medication, and even hormone changes. However, these spots rarely go away on their own, instead requiring cosmetic treatments to address them and restore the skin.

Non-Surgical Hyperpigmentation Treatment Options

At Aesthetic Beauty, we offer several options for addressing concerns about uneven pigmentation. These treatments are designed to be safe while maintaining a high level of efficacy, producing results that patients love to see. Though skin spots rarely pose a direct risk to one’s health, that does not mean they are not a significant factor in one’s well-being. Being able to feel confident in one’s own skin is an essential part of having a lasting, fulfilling quality of life.


Microneedling is an outstanding treatment modality that can address a wide range of skin concerns, ranging from enlarged pores to hyperpigmentation. Using a device with tiny needles, the specialist creates small punctures in the skin. These micro-sized wounds activate the body’s regenerative response, clearing away old cells and restoring them with new, fresh ones. The body also sees an increase in collagen and elastin production in treated areas, adding a firmer, more youthful texture to the treated skin.


Exosome treatment is a gentler method that delivers gradual improvements due to the inhibitory effects on pigmentation innate to exosomes. Additionally, exosome treatment provides an ideal preventative measure against enlarged pores or uneven pigmentation by keeping cells in the treatment area healthy and optimally functioning. Exosomes, which naturally occur in the body, empower the body’s cells by improving their ability to communicate and work together.

Is Hyperpigmentation Treatment Right for Me?

Patients who want to achieve clear and more youthful skin can prove excellent candidates for hyperpigmentation treatment. However, patients who are currently experiencing any skin inflammation or infection may need to wait before seeking this therapy.

Additionally, identifying the cause of your hyperpigmentation is an essential part of choosing your treatment. For example, patients who have spots caused by medication would be advised to switch medication before having treatment. Otherwise, although the old spots might be removed, new ones could replace them since the cause is still in effect.

Is There a Recovery Period?

Exosome treatment has no recovery period and may only involve minor swelling at the injection sites. It is a treatment that allows patients to leave and continue on with their day immediately. Microneedling also has no significant recovery time, though some minor side effects are normal. Things like swelling, redness, and minor skin irritation are normal, but they all fade within a matter of days. Following your skin healing, some light itchiness is normal as well but should remain mild and unobtrusive.

Each of our treatments is designed around maximizing efficacy while keeping the patient’s wellness at its core. If you have any concerns following your treatment, our office and staff are here to provide additional information and support.

Non-Surgical Uneven Pigmentation Treatment Results

Microneedling and exosome treatments allow patients to see long-lasting results for improvements in hyperpigmentation and enlarged pores. However, it can take some time for your final results to become apparent. Think of these treatments as though they are waking up parts of the body. As the body begins producing new collagen and exosomes increase cell function, the treated areas will show continual, gradual improvement. Most patients can see the best results following about 3-5 treatment sessions, though this can vary. Every treatment plan is unique, but most patients will have a session every couple of weeks until their regimen is complete. Following their last session, patients can watch their skin improve until their final results appear. Some patients may benefit from touchup treatments to keep their skin clear and youthful.
Image of Trista Shakeridge , an aesthetic nurse

Meet Trista Shakeridge

Board Certified Injector Aesthetic Nurse
Over 20 years ago, Trista Shakeridge began working with the top plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles as a nurse injector. After establishing herself in the OR as a plastic surgery RN, she transitioned naturally into cosmetic injections. She has completed numerous training sessions with Allergan, Galderma, and Merz. Additionally Trista has picked pearls of wisdom from the talented surgeons she has worked alongside, all contributing to her practice today.

Real Patient Before & Afters

Lip fillers before and after patient
Lip fillers before and after patient

Book Your Consultation

If you are ready to experience tailored non-surgical hyperpigmentation treatment, you can book your consultation visit today. Use our online form or call our office to set up a one-on-one meeting with our board-certified injector, Trista Shakeridge, and explore your options for seeing skin clear of enlarged pores or uneven pigmentation. We look forward to working with you to achieve your best in aesthetic beauty and lifelong confidence.